Binh Minh Packaging

Kemi White Board

Kemi White Board features a semi-gloss-coated brilliant white C1S linerboard on one side, perfect for high-quality printing and finishing capabilities. In addition, this material has a semi-gloss coating pre-applied making your prints require no additional coatings to get a semi-gloss finish. However, Kemi is more expensive than its mottled white counterpart.

  • Brilliant semi-gloss coated white surface
  • Printed colors appear more vibrant
  • More expensive than mottled white

Best Used With

Kemi White Board


Clay Coated (Kemi) White Board: Previously described as ‘deluxe white,’ Kemi White is a brand of white-top board, much like Band-Aid is a brand of bandages. The clay coated, white surface of this liner board offers premium printing quality, with a slightly glossy, smooth-finish, making it ideal for retail applications such as POP displays. Kemi board the only corrugated board that is clay coated and has a unique and distinct advantage for digital printing compared to mottled white. Thanks to the clay coated surface, inks are less likely to sink into the board, so the colors will pop and be more vibrant.

Corrugated Board Process

Flute Types & Formation

Learn more about corrugated boards

Flute Types
Corrugated Formation

Corrugated Board Performance

Single Wall

Min. Burst Strength
(lbs/sq in)
Min. Edge Crust Test
Min. Combined Weight of Facings
(lbs/m sq ft)
Max Weight of Box and Contents
Max Outside Dimensions
(L + W + D in)
125 lbs/sq in23 lbs/in52 lbs/m sq ft20 lbs40 in
150 lbs/sq in26 lbs/in66 lbs/m sq ft35 lbs50 in
175 lbs/sq in29 lbs/in75 lbs/m sq ft50 lbs60 in
200 lbs/sq in32 lbs/in84 lbs/m sq ft65 lbs75 in
250 lbs/sq in40 lbs/in111 lbs/m sq ft80 lbs85 in
275 lbs/sq in44 lbs/in138 lbs/m sq ft95 lbs95 in
350 lbs/sq in55 lbs/in180 lbs/m sq ft120 lbs105 in

Double Wall

Min. Burst Strength
(lbs/sq in)
Min. Edge Crust Test
Min. Combined Weight of Facings
(lbs/m sq ft)
Max Weight of Box and Contents
Max Outside Dimensions
(L + W + D in)
200 lbs/sq in42 lbs/in92 lbs/m sq ft80 lbs85 in
275 lbs/sq in48 lbs/in110 lbs/m sq ft100 lbs95 in
350 lbs/sq in51 lbs/in126 lbs/m sq ft120 lbs105 in
400 lbs/sq in61 lbs/in180 lbs/m sq ft140 lbs110 in
500 lbs/sq in71 lbs/in222 lbs/m sq ft160 lbs115 in
600 lbs/sq in82 lbs/in270 lbs/m sq ft180 lbs120 in

Triple Wall

Min. Burst Strength
(lbs/sq in)
Min. Edge Crust Test
Min. Combined Weight of Facings
(lbs/m sq ft)
Max Weight of Box and Contents
Max Outside Dimensions
(L + W + D in)
700 lbs/sq in67 lbs/in168 lbs/m sq ft240 lbs111 in
900 lbs/sq in80 lbs/in222 lbs/m sq ft260 lbs115 in
1100 lbs/sq in90 lbs/in264 lbs/m sq ft280 lbs120 in
1300 lbs/sq in112 lbs/in360 lbs/m sq ft300 lbs125 in


Min. Burst Strength
(lbs/sq in)
Min. Edge Crust Test
Min. Combined Weight of Facings
(lbs/m sq ft)
Max Weight of Box and Contents
Max Outside Dimensions
(L + W + D in)
150 lbs/sq in26 lbs/in66 lbs/m sq ft35 lbs50 in
200 lbs/sq in32 lbs/in84 lbs/m sq ft65 lbs75 in

Corrugated Strength Tests

Edge Crush Test (ECT)

Force is applied perpendicular to the edge of the corrugated board until it buckles. The results provide accurate representation of the material’s strength, durability and stack resistance for heavier loads. The resulting value is shown in pounds per linear inch of load-bearing edge and is reported in ECT ratings.

Note: 32 ECT is the most commonly used for corrugated material.

Bursting Test

The burst test, otherwise known as the Mullen Test, challenges the durability of the corrugated fiberboard’s surface. The burst test determines the amount of force required to puncture the liner board. The resulting value is given in pounds per square inch.

Note: 200# means 200 pounds per square inch of force applied to the face of the liner board.

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