17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging, Binh Minh Packaging gather, you should refer.

1.Crusoe Treasure Wines

17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img01Supper Studio set out to create the look and packaging for a truly exciting brand. Under the concept of “An underwater hidden treasure”, Crusoe Treasure Wines are from selected vineyards that are aged in barrels, then it is bottled and finished its aging process under the sea in the

2. Dutch Design Chair

17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img02The Dutch Design Chair is an innovative solution to portable seating. Yep, even though this looks like briefcase, it’s actually a chair! When you’re ready to get up, the chair folds back down to its flat briefcase form to be carried around.

3. PolarAid
17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img03This is a first aid kit designed for children to help them forget about their scrapes and bruises. It’s filled with everything you need to treat minor injuries. As well as being sustainable, the proceeds from the sales of the kits go towards helping protect polar bears.

4. The Dream Ball Project

17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img04Designed by a studio by Korean studio Unplug Design, these cardboard tubes turn into footballs for kids in underdeveloped countries who often play with homemade balls that fall apart and/or hurt their feet. Instead, they can now use these durable cardboard balls for as long as they like.


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Ever thought your office could use a bit more of an outdoorsy touch? These squares of grass are easy to grow inside and provide the perfect hint of nature to any indoor office or house.

6. Joco Cup
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You’d probably never guess from looking at these cups, but they’re both reusable and made out of glass (as well as being very cute). They also sell replacement parts, so if something on your cup breaks, you can just get a new piece rather than splashing out for a whole new cup.

7. Little Printer
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These adorable boxes contain a personalised printed newspaper, printed out for you by a charming cardboard character. It’s a little printed version of everything you’re reading online.

8. Light Bulb Packaging
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Created as student work by Esther Li, this sustainable packaging uses only one strip of cardboard and no glue at all to cushion the bulbs while still showing customers what they look like. Now that’s a bright idea!

9. Naked Soap
17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img09Not only is this packaging eco-friendly, but so are the contents of the bottles. The idea was to create brand extension of Naked Juice’s products like soaps and detergents.

10. Paul Frank glasses
17 Best ideas about Cardboard Packaging - img010These cardboard boxes are definitely unlike any other sort of glasses cases we’ve seen before — and they’re much more stylish, too.

11. Pebble Smartwatch
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Did you help fund this smartwatch on Kickstarter? You very well may have — it’s one of the site’s most successful projects ever, with over $10 million raised. The smartwatch was shipped to its backers in equally smart packaging.

12. Hanes
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Packing and sending a T-shirt really shouldn’t take up so much space — which is why Hanes designed these slim cardboard sleeves. They’re made out of 100% recycled materials, and on top of it, save on shipping weight and costs.

13. Wild Bag Box
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Using a fun play on the idea of animals in a zoo enclosure, this eco-friendly box lets you glimpse the product that’s awaiting you inside while making you smile, at the same time.

15. Eggs Packaging

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16. Packaging Inspiration

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17. Flight To The Flats by Wedge & Lever

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BINH MINH P.A.T CO.,LTD . As the leading packaging manufacturer in Vietnam : Cartons, paper box, paper bag, paper shelf, print stam, label, calendar, bills, catalogue,… quality reputation.

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